The mechanism of Email marketing for Blockchain Products and ICO by Ankur Agarwal

Cioreviewindia | Monday, 08 October 2018, 09:18 IST

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Ankur Agarwal is the author of “E-Mail Profits Decoded”, he has already made millions with affiliate marketing and is considered an authority when it comes to Email Marketing. His recent investments in ICO’s made him huge profits and we are here to decode this game of marketing essentials. Let’s figure out the establishment of ICO’s and how Email Marketing gives a personal touch to boost the sales for Blockchain Based products.

The mechanism of Email marketing for Blockchain Products and ICO by Ankur Agarwal

At the rate ICOs are growing today, the market is in constant influx. You can anticipate their behavior to a certain degree but multiple ICOs launching around the same time will have different marketing strategies. Individually their businesses are different and investors have different marketing appetites.

Most of the people marketing in crypto-space are thinking about the money. Think about your brand! Even though there are thousands of ICOs, but most other ICOs are fraud and don’t deliver value or don’t actually know the whole process. Warren Buffet once mentioned in his yearly letter, ‘when you face a decision to choose money or protecting the brand, always choose to protect the brand. Don’t just do what’s going to make you money.’

Therefore considering over fact that you have the best strategies for your ICO marketing, below are the important areas you are going to cover:

  • Branding your ICO
  • Email marketing
  • Phases of marketing
  • ICO evaluation checklists

Branding your ICO:

You need to have a product or service, a bunch of good tech people and strong security. Moreover, if you have a good idea that no one sees it, it's just like a tree falls in a forest that nobody hears and nobody cares. Someone else might have the same idea and they’re able to promote it 10x better, then you’re out of the game. Forget about monetization, if you’ve traffic you’re able to sell anything. Some of the startups have spent almost 0 bucks on marketing and communication and stood up in the crypto community.

1. Knowing your customer or investor:

This is different than KYC that you’re used to signing up to participate in actual ICO. Specifically, knowing who your target audiences are, what they want, why should they actually care about your ICO really matters. If you own an ICO or any revolutionary new service that’s going to change the way investors are playing around with their money. They are already sold on your idea but need convincing.

2. Consistent social media:

You need to be constantly putting on the content on your social media feeds to actually help engage the users. There would be a lot of questions and comments for which you require to give them contents with all the details like what problems are you solving and what changes can your ICO bring over the existing ones. You will be able to nurture the audience and try to proceed with them what are you trying to solve. Nurturing relationships with your audience is very crucial during presale of your token. Don’t worry about the mean comments as it is a normal thing in the digital society. Rather reply them gently with something that might amuse them.

3. Free optimization:

Google keyword planner tool is an amazing tool for the optimization of keywords but also to help those who are planning to advertise, Adsense for almost free of cost.

4. Transparency:

Don’t hide any details because if people are hiding stuff, it just makes seem suspicious and questionable to investors. Definitely, they will not go into some company which is bad at marketing, that’s hiding their subscriber count, view count or dislike ratio. So give out a bunch of free content. However, don’t think about receiving leads initially, rather just think about constantly improving your game.

5. Know the purpose:

Build credibility around your token sale. Suppose, if you want to do a token sale for a music studio, talk about your music and how your music label will work with cryptocurrencies. If you are not 100% sure how is that going to work, then why should people trust you?

6. Legal rights:

Another thing is the entire legits and the financial structure. Generally, the team doesn’t have any legal experts and personally, I believe that this is the only thing you should outsource. It’s important because you need to get 100% legal rights in order to do a successful token sale stay safe from the fraudulence. Simply marketing is not going to build trust among investors.

Email marketing:

The process of getting new audiences or investors has relatively changed over the past few years with an increasing number of spam reports becoming an undesirable part of it. For example, issues with many cold introductions where someone asks like, “Hi, This is a really interesting token sale. Let me connect you to the person concerned”. People will just not care why they have received such a cold mail and your marketing campaign will be blocked by them. Even though businesses have done all the strategies right, however many of them stumbled when it comes to email marketing. If it’s all about your gain and nothing for them, they don’t really have anything for you.

Before you know what and how to, understand why!

There are a wide array of social media out there with modern marketing tactics, still why to prefer a traditional marketing method?

  • According to the 2018 stats of kissmetrics, a number of email users have crossed 3.8 billion marks and ranked 2nd among the most efficient marketing channel which is then followed by Social media, Adsense and other optimization or paid tactics.
  • Email is the cheapest mode of marketing, easily customizable and efficiently integrates with social or video marketing tactics.
  • More than half of the population use mobile notifications to check their emails, thus it delivers easy access to the updates or newsletters.
  • During the presale of ICO, email coupons are the best way to drive your audience and in return, they will subscribe for your newsletters.
  • Moreover, it’s like icing on the cake if your audience receives a promotion or special discount offers. Everyone loves to receive some gifts and so they’ll continue receiving your mail. It’s easy to manage and archive useful emails. Therefore, you’ll have their attention whenever you throw a new update.

Roadmap to successful email marketing:

1. Firstly, make sure your product is ready to be marketed.

2. Opt for a crypto friendly email service provider.

3. Attach a subscription form on the project landing page.

4. Segment your email list according to the subscriber interest.

5. Design infographics and professional templates for the mailing process.

6. Create different email campaigns for presale and post ICO project.

The secret sauce of Email marketing

6 Simple tactics only a few marketers know:

  • Have a professional touch in your contents. Don’t sound cliché or like an immature writer.
  • Don’t sound like a salesman or overly try to promote your business. Rather, send a letter of gratitude.
  • Include what your business is all about. For instance, if you sell kitchen utilities, send them a booklet of recipes or healthy diet as a free gift.
  • Never delay sending confirmation of purchase and thank you emails to your subscribers. They more likely appreciate your response between 24 to 48 hours.
  • One of the best ways to measure customer satisfaction is feedback emails. Ask for suggestions to get an insight into your products and make a better buying experience.
  • Customers with benefits: There is a number of ways to surprise your loyal customers with bonuses. Send them to surprise mails for actively promoting your business on social networks.

Phases of marketing

There are generally four phases of marketing:

1. Product creation: You need to understand what your product is about and the problem is going to solve. Ask questions.

  • Is the problem popular among the cryptoverse community?
  • Do you have a product that is market fit?

If you release a product that solves a problem that nobody has or already existing widely in the crypto-market, it’s already an end before you start.

2. Now in the second phase, you get to understand what the project is actually about. You apply all your marketing strategies and use traffic acquisition campaigns like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and youtube channels. You use email for retargeting your visitors and share them advertisements everything about promotions, offers, bonuses etc.

3. After gaining a significant traffic and subscribers through marketing further takes you to the third phase. Here, you reconsider if you have plotholes or missing something big with this project. Secondly, if your project is good enough to attract the advisors or opportunities for partnership with established companies, that means your project can get a good kickstart. You can go to the telegram and manage your community there.

4. Finally, in the investment phase, you realize that you’re okay with this project and believe in your technology, roadmap, team and do double check everything. Next thing, when you get buyers for your product, go to Telegram community or AMA (ask me anything) session on Reddit to answer the questions that the community got for you.

ICO evaluation checklist

The list of questions categorized in 3 sections that can ease your ICO analysis:

1. The team:

  • Is the information about the team disclosed enough?
  • How high is the Team’s level of professionalism?
  • By what the members of this team are known?
  • How hard are the team members involved in the social platform?
  • Do advisors actively take part in this initiative?

2. Ideas behind the ICO:

  • Does the product solve any problem?
  • How scalable is the project?
  • How simple and realistic the idea of the project is?
  • Does the project has a concrete product and user base?
  • Does the product have an MVP or is the product eligible enough to win their initial audience?

3. ICO sale:

  • Do pre ICO contract and ICO contracts have upper and lower fundraising barriers?
  • Is there an unconditional refund in the contract if the lower limit of the collected pool is not reached?
  • Does the contract have conditions for the team and bounty?
  • Does ICO contract have escrow?
  • Are all the contact details published on the repositories like Github?
  • Does the contract have conditions for unsold tokens with clearly defined deadlines?

Bottom line:

You don’t require to be an expert marketer in order to promote and sell your ICOs. Using the above-mentioned tactics with gentle proportions can help you market your business successfully.

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